CITY+DESIGN+EVOLUTION: Unique Landscape Designs from 6 Continents
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P10 Green Corridor-- Tripoli Green Belt
P14 The Orchard Restaurant
P26 Campus Valley-- Ewha Womans Unversity
P30 Greenbelt-- Landscape Design for Tokyo Midtown
P60 Daughter of the Sea-- Re-developed Kumutoto
P72 Landscape Design for Darlington Public Domain, University of Sydney
P108 A Big World on the Other Side of the Wall--The Walled Garden at Marks Hall Arbortum
P116 Back to Nature-- Potters Field Park in London
South America
P230 Green Residence -- Helga and Thomas Jetter Residence
North America
P250 Safari Drive
A Flower in the Desert-- Safari Drive
P258 A Theatre for the City-- Nathan Philips Square Revitalization